
    Debris Burning in Turtle Cove

Did you know that debris burning is Georgia's number one cause of wildfires? To prevent injury and damage, state law requires residents to obtain a burn permit before burning outdoors. Illegal burning without a permit is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and a year imprisonment. Stay safe...burn legally...burn wisely. Secure a permit, 24 hours a day. It’s fast and easy at:  or  1.877.OK2-BURN (877-652-2876).

You can only burn natural vegetation. You CANNOT burn any man-made materials, including lumber. Even if you are burning in a steel barrel, you need a burn permit.

If you observe illegal burning, you can report it to:

Georgia Forestry Service, Jasper County: 478.986.3593

In 1925, the Georgia General Assembly provided for the Georgia Forestry Commission to hire deputy Forest Wardens with arrest authority, to enforce the fire laws of the state. In 1952, the law was amended, referring these law enforcement officers to their current title of Forestry Investigator. Several changes to the law have occurred in the last 100 years, but the primary responsibility of these investigators remained to enforce the fire laws. Until the most recent change to the law in 2014 that authorized forestry investigators to enforce any law relating to the protection, security, conservation, or sale of forest/timber resources. GFC Forestry Investigators are certified by the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council, with full arrest and enforcement authority in the state of Georgia. In addition, they are specially trained to conduct investigations of wildland fires and other forestry related crimes.

Please be considerate of your neighbors

Let them know when you are going to burn

Post your burn permit, burn time and general burn location on our Nextdoor site.